How’s that ranking for “Iron Man Codpiece” coming?
Well, it appears I’m ranking #1 for “iron man codpiece.”
How a knight with no hands depicts my Google ranking.
While there are a few videos that Google has tossed up in front of my ranking (I’ll be speaking to Google’s manager), I’m still claiming my rank to be #1 because I’m the first article. Honestly, it really only took the original blog, a couple of links from my other blogs, and about a week to get way up on there in the rankings. It’s a popular search term, I’m sure, based on no research. I mean, there have to be as many people looking up “iron man codpiece” as there are “how old is dolly parton” and “how many electoral votes does pennsylvania have,” right?
While I’d never tell my mom what I’m ranking for (please don’t tell my mom what I’m ranking for), I’m perfectly happy having achieved such success in life. I’m not that old, but I think it’s time for me to go ahead and order my tombstone. I doubt I’ll ever achieve anything better than this.
“You can rest now…”
Let the record show that I’m not obsessed with Iron Man’s codpiece or any combination of those words. (That’s what I’ll be telling the judge, anyway.) It’s just been a fun little project as I take a break from writing about Iron Man’s Ablative Armor.
However, coincidence of coincidences, some images I used in my last article about Iron Man’s codpiece popped up somewhere else. Shadiversity is a very fun YouTube channel that studies medieval weapons, castles, armor, and…wait, did you say armor? No, I said armor. Pay attention.
Well, sometimes Shad takes a look at science fiction versions of armor, such as The Mandalorian’s. A few weeks ago a female Mandalorian showed up in an episode, and she had chest protrusions (often called “boob armor” on the “net”). Some people complained that such armor wouldn’t be practical, going so far as to say that, since it didn’t show up in medieval times….
Posted: No Bewb Armor
…that it shouldn’t show up in Star Wars.
Shad explains that, yes, there are historical parallels to boob armor. Not only was there armor that followed fashion, but armor that produced extra space within armor to accommodate — or accentuate — anatomy.
As well as a convenient place to hang your hat.
Shad even uses some pictures of our friend the codpiece to defend his position. Just take a look at 1:17 — and 9:16 — and 11:10 — and 12:34 — wow this guy talks about codpieces a lot..
There you have it.
So, what have we learned this time?
It’s not that hard to rank #1 for terms that people never search for.
Boob armor? Yes.
Thankfully, the codpiece for Iron Man’s Ablative Armor did not show up in this blog.