Ablative tiles for every holiday!
Last Halloween I wrote a fun little blog about how I’d carved a tiled pumpkin as an homage to Iron Man’s Ablative Armor. It wasn’t much, but then again I never claimed to be an artist, so I was actually quite happy with it. No, the tiles don’t line up like they do on Model 23 (aka Axol), but it certainly gets the point across. I kept it until it rotted and folded in on itself, then sent it to the compost bin. Yes, just like the Ablative, it fell apart in service to a greater cause. (In this case the greater cause was “pumpkin seeds” and “blog topic.”)
Not long after that I wrote my Thanksgiving article. It was pretty standard….I’m thankful for this, I’m thankful for that. For instance, I talked about how I was thankful for my friends who read the articles, for anyone who helped me get images of original art, for the fact that I’m ranking pretty well for terms related to Ablative Armor Iron Man, even as I go up against some pretty big fan sites that are full of hundreds of pages featuring every armor. As usual, I am thankful for Iron Man Codpiece and all it’s done for me. My life is so much more full after writing two blogs about the Iron Undercarriage. Within weeks I was at the top of the ranking, beating out so many cosplay sites that just didn’t fight hard enough to win the love of millions of people searching for Iron Man’s Outdoor Underwear. (And by millions, I mean like maybe three.) But yes, I was and am grateful for all those things, but mostly my friends (but also mostly Codpiece Iron Man).
Then Christmas came around, and I just couldn’t help myself. I wrote a Christmas Ablative blog filled with all sorts of wit so dry that the needles were falling off because someone hadn’t watered it for two weeks. It was filled with ideas on how Axol the Ablative could fit into the yuletide season, as well as old jokes about codpieces, because I just can’t seem to help myself. Hey, as long as I’m at least cracking myself up, I’m good with that. Everything else is just gravy, like on a Thanksgiving turkey, but at Christmas. Once again I proved that Ablative Armor Iron Man can be enjoyed year-round, and that this (so far) year-long Squarespace trip has not found me without blog ideas.
Okay, that’s all the old stuff you’ve seen, now let’s check out the new. Covid cut Christmas with the family short, so I wrote a little little “I hate Covid” blog. Yes, I know Covid isn’t a holiday, but I’m going somewhere with this, hang with me. You see, we usually make marzipan at the in-laws, that almond-flavored, simple yet tasty means to get your USDA daily supply of food coloring. Since we had to come home early (Covid hit, if you’re not keeping up), we didn’t get to make marzipan until we decided to just do it ourselves back at home. That’s where I went ahead and made these, and yeah, they’re the right color too.
Unfortunately the non-stick surface is also ablating.
Then came spring, and with it Easter. And I totally whiffed. Seriously, what you’ll see below is no indication about how I feel about the Ablative, and my apologies to Jesus while we’re at it. I just didn’t try very hard and now I have to live with it. Seriously, it’s embarrassing.
See? It’s like I didn’t even try. And I kinda didn’t.
Looks like the 4th of July is up next. I promise I’ll do better.
After seeing the monstrosity above, I’ll bet you could use some cheering. up. Here’s another Chromium Codpiece Crotch article.