CONFIRMED! No Ablative on the Sideshow Hall of Armor Print by Chris Skinner


Please visit this blog for the update.

Wow, it’s been too long since I’ve written a blog. New job and all and blah blah you don’t care. But maybe you do want to know that Axol, aka the Ablative Armor, is confirmed to be missing from the Sideshow Hall of Armor print by Chris Skinner. It came today in the mail, and while it is wonderful (and glow-in-the-dark!) it doesn’t have the ol’ Mark 23 in it.

Not that that was a surprise. Just a couple of months ago I wrote the blog that took a good long look at the print and determined that Axol was nowhere to be found.

You might remember that I tried to contact Chris Skinner by two different means to see if he ever even considered putting the Ablative in. As it turns out, he didn’t respond. Oh well, I don’t answer all the weird questions I get either (such as “Hey, buddy, you wanna get your head out of there?”)

I am happy, though, that the Silver Centurion is featured so prominently. It was only a staple of Iron Man comics for a couple of years, but it’s certainly a fan favorite and one of my own as well. I even did a nice write-up about Silver Centurion and how he so nicely bridges the gap between the comics and Iron Man 3.

Will we ever see the Ablative Armor on a poster? Well, yes! It’s fan art and it’s unlicensed, but you can see a couple of posters with Axol over here on my Iron Man Ablative Armor gallery page. Sometimes he just shows up as an arm, but hey…he shows up!


Maybe I won’t make fun of Iron Man’s codpiece anymore


Ablative tiles for every holiday!